Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Monday, November 28, 2011

Hi Jack,

During our maths exploration this term you have been very focussed, and have aimed to get your scale accurate. You have been great at working with other students, and together with Tom and Robbie your miniature band rotunda is looking amazing! You would make a great architectural designer one day!


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Band rotunda

Well today the S.I.T said that they are not able to give us the pieces to make the Band rotunda until next year when I will not be here. So we are just going to make really mini models so this is Tom, Robbie,Nick and I's one.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Band rotunda puppet show

Today we have decided that we are not going to be making the big scale model to donate to the library we are going to scale it down smaller than we were and now we are going to be making a puppet stage out of it. We also had to measure the tallest puppet so we know how high to make it.The scale is going to be 8:1.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Band rotunda scale model

Today at Enrich Tom, Robbie and I had to make a scale model of the band rotunda. We had to decrease it by twenty otherwise it would've taken ages to make. We made our one out of popcicle sticks, straws and cardboard.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Term 4 Week 2 at enrich

Today at Enrich I completed lots of things on my must do sheet, such as physics, friendships, cartooning, Where in the world and a few more. Where in the world was quite challenging this week. I got stuck on the question What is the name of the town named after an early New Zealand explorer Julius? But I found out the answer and it was Haast.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Today for one of the picks I decided to do Cartooning. We had to choose an All Black and cartoon him. I learnt that just one part of the face can change the whole emotion of the character. I did Ma'a Nonu.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


This week at Enrich we had to do 3 picks.Here are some of them: Where in the world, Scamper, cartooning, mental edge games, leader board chess and poetry. I chose to do cartooning mental edge games and leader board chess. Here is my cartoon I drew, it is an evil rabbit.

Two stars and a wish

This is my reflection on term 3

For this year.
My 1st star would be that we finally got our documentary finished and sent up and it looks really good.

My 2nd would be that we got to do lots of exiting things like editing , filming , speech and green screening.

My wish would be that we could do something as cool as that next year.

These are some pics of our finished documentary...

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Documentary finished

Today our group finally finished our documentary on The History of Southland Rugby. We hope that our documentary makes it through to the final. At home school I am doing one with Ben, Simone, Kaitlyn and I. We had to choose a science experiment and do it on that. We did the mentos and coke experiment.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Green screening

Today in our Documentary we thought we could green screen ourselves into the All Blacks. Green screening is when you have to have a green background and you take a photo of what ever you want and then you can connect it to another photo. Here it is

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Les George Oval

Today my documentary group went to the Les George Oval with Ken's Mum to get some footage for our documentary. The Les George Oval is a rugby ground where all of the club teams play. We also have started editing our footage which includes putting it together, adding sound effects and deleting scenes we don't need.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Interviewing Tim Boys from the Southland Stags

Today Ken, Tom, and I interviewed Tim Boys from the Southland Stags because our documentary is about the history of Southland rugby. We asked him some questions about it and what has been changing. Next week we are also going out to Les George Oval which is a rugby field to get some footage. We have also been starting to put together and choose what we want to put in the documentary

Here are some of the questions we asked Tim:

What is the most capped player in the Stags?

What has changed in the Stags in the last couple of years?

How does the Southland community back up the team?

What is different about the Stags compared to the other ITM Cup teams

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Today my documentary group walked down to the library with Ken's Mum. We found lot's of good books about the history of Southland Rugby. Here are some of the facts we found...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What am I?

Today I did the activity "What am I?" For this activity, you need to choose an object around the classroom and make a keynote about it giving the reader clues to try and figure it out. At the end you do a reveal slide to show the reader what the object was. To take the photos you need to take them with a dinoscope which is a camera that can zoom into things really close.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


This term for talent development we got to chose to do art, writing or documentary making. Tom Ken and I chose documentary making. We thought we could do one on the history of the Southland Stags. We are going to ring Lester Rutledge to ask him for an interview. We are going to meet him at Rugby Park.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Teacher comment

Jack I was pleased to see you challenge yourself to work outside of your usual area of passion, which has always been ICT related, in this last passion project you worked well with your group and helped to keep them on task and moving forward to ensure that your project was completed and that you made a difference for the students at Discovery One in Christchurch. You have also applied yourself to a range of other opportunities and challenges such as chess, P4C and even blogging regularly with equal success.
Hi Jack,

You have been very busy today working your way through your must dos and picks. I have beeen impressed with your positive attitude towards the set tasks as well as your time management.


First day back at Enrich

It's the first day back and we have lots of new things at Enrich. When we get sent our email in the morning we now have a quiz and a crossword to complete. Here are some of them. They are really fun to do because we have nothing to do in the morning before 9am apart from playing games.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

More books

We have almost finished our passion projects. Today we are going to pick up some books from James Hargest Junior College,Waihopai and Waverly park school.We will also be sending up all of the books today.

We have also done a letter to send up to Discovery One.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

DinoScope Photos

Last week Travis Tom and I took lot's of photos with the DinoScope. A DinoScope is like a mini camera that can zoom into things really close and take photos.

Here are some of the photos we took.

The first photo is ... Travis' hair!
The second photo is ... Tom's scab on his leg!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Gifted Awareness Week

This week it is Gifted Awareness Week. To me being gifted is cool and annoying and because I'm above average ability and people think you know everything so they ask you the answers for everything but since your gifted it doesn't mean you are good at every subject you might only be good at maths or writing.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Passion Project Term 2 2011

This term our passion projects need to benefit the wider community. Here at Enrich, we have decided to help the people in Christchurch or Japan due to the earthquakes that happened earlier this year. Travis, Tom and I thought we could donate books to the children at Discovery One in Christchurch. We don't have any money to buy the books so we are emailing book stores around Invercargill to see if they can donate any books for us to send up to Christchurch. As a thank you to these stores, we are going to put their business logo on the inside of the covers of all the books we might get.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011



This is my tessellation that I drew.To draw one we just had to do random lines that were exactly the same all the way down the pattern and then see what it looks like and put all of the details in.

Try and guess what mine is?


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Multiple intelligences


Today I did a multiple intelligence test to see what my strengths are. I was strongest in logic and number smart and weakest in music smart.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wednesday, February 23, 2011